Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gladbach to start its climb

To some top of the table against bottom of the table is a unsurmountable task but adversity is something you overcome so Borussia-Park must rise up tomorrow and drive Gladbach forward.

As you can imagine Hans Meyer gave 1899 no ammunition in his pre-match press conference as talked off the opposition:

"In Hoffenheim a situation has arisen that is unique in the global professional game. Their coach Ralf Rangnick is extremely lucky to have a man in Hoffenheim [SAP owner Dietmar Hopp] who loves football and wants to build something – and is on exactly the same wavelength as he is."

All that seems like nice table conversation but for Gladbach to come out with points, they have to shut down the highest scoring club in the Bundesliga and to do so, they need to play hard tackling physical Football. Nothing can be left unchallenged, marking firm and they are likely to use the same tactics as with VfB when they made use of the classic "bolt."

Hans Meyers can count on Marko Marin, Thomas Kleine, Steve Gohouri as they are all fit but Dante is still out along with Jean-Sébastien Jaurès. Roberto Colautti is questionable and will be decided at the last minute. However 1899's injury concern is even greater as 'keeper Timo Hildebrand is unlikely after being injured in his first Bundesliga match with the club.

I am done with this preview.

It is time now;


Verse 1
Samstags mittags geht es los, ins Stadion zum Bökelberg.
Im Auto ist die Stimmung groß und alle singen looooos!

Ja wir schwören Stein und Bein,
auf die Elf vom Niederrhein,
Borussia unser Dream-Team,
denn Du bist unser Verein!

Verse 2
Die Mannschaft die wird vorgestellt, die Stimmung die ist riesengroß.
Schwappt La-Ola durch das Rund, singt der Block schon los.
Singen wir dann unsere Lieder, dann ist das voll der Hit - Hit - Hit,
und wenn die Stimmung um sich greift, macht auch die Tribüne mit!


Verse 3
Spielt Ihr wie zu Netzers Zeiten und fällt dann endlich mal ein Tor.
Sind wir Fans nicht mehr zu halten und schon ertönt der Chor.

Refrain -

Verse 4
Und geht das Spiel auch mal verlor’n, dann macht uns das gar nichts aus,
denn dann fahren wir zum Auswärtsspiel und machen einen drauf!