Over the last four years les Rouge & Noir have excelled at the Gerland, squashing l’OL victory hopes and turning them into somewhat of a nemesis, bête noire if you will. And while the les Lyonnais suffered through a number of wintry days that had many question if their championship run was nearing end, with the sight of spring on the horizon the champions have climbed out of the shadows and are on near-perfect form in the new year. As there lead on the table has now expanded to six points, they not only have a chance to silence the critics but exorcise past performances against Rennais.
Guy Lacombe knows his Bretons side will need the same effort as what was showed against les Niçois last week and then some. Motivation is plentiful against l’OL but that alone will not produce a victory and unfortunately for les Rouge & Noir the absences of Sylvain Marveaux, Asamoah Gyan, Kader Mangane, Jérôme Leroy and Olivier Thomert will weigh heavily on tactical play. Young striker Julián Estéban returns to the selection and could be given an opportunity later in the match. Les Lyonnais are coming off a well-played draw against Barcelona and have only modest selection issues and the majority of Claude Puel's decisions come down to more planning than outright necessity. With a midweek Coupe de France match against Lille and an eye towards the return Champions League match against Barcelona, he could might lean more towards Frédéric Piquionne as the lone striker and give Karim Benzema extra time. Such is the case with a number of choices and the luxury of a well stocked cupboard.
For les Rouge & Noir to be successful they must yes, eschew the highest motivation and be bold enough to attack l’OL. Tactically they must wait patiently at the doorstep of opportunity and they with the slightest opening, seize the chance.
Photo Credit: Stade Rennais